Laureli Shimayo has a brilliantly insightful and intuitive mind together with an engaging and present heart. She’s ready to provide plentiful presence and resources to support you being amazingly effective and joyful in your life, business and relationships – so you thrive.
Laureli is an entrepreneur. She has worked for herself and in entrepreneurial organizations since 2001. She has also been an employee and manager in small, mid-size and very large organizations. She’s coached leaders and employees – she appreciates the challenges and opportunities of both. She knows that with increased transparency, appreciation, accountability and authenticity, so much contribution is possible.
Laureli is passionate about relationships, having experienced herself how interactions with those we care about can bring our greatest growth edges to light. Laureli has extensive experience in dating, particularly online dating, plus history with marriage and the decision-making process to break up and divorce.
Laureli began her career in science as a geneticist and molecular biologist with emphasis on anthropology and human behavior. She worked in academia (B.S. UC Berkeley, M.S. Caltech) and industry (cancer research, agriculture, law, consumer products). She is a patent agent familiar with all areas of intellectual property. She eventually realized her favorite subject and passion was people – understanding their motivations and behavior and using this awareness to facilitate personal fulfillment and making things work. She became adept at assessing and using ThriveTypes in what she now refers to as Intuitive Eye Reading, received certification in the Integral, Intuitive and Somatic work of Robert Augustus Masters, studied Applied Existential Psychotherapy with Betty Cannon, and received certification in the Tools for Conscious Living and Loving with Gay and Katie Hendricks. Laureli also completed the Leadership and Transformation (LAT) training and other courses with Katie Hendricks & Gay Hendricks. She applied these skills with leaders and business teams at Culture Counts where she also learned and integrated how to use Games for thriving in business.
Laureli is intuitive and ultimately a pragmatist. She uncovers awareness and resources that makes things work. In ThriveTypes, she has Knowledge, Efficiency and Community Talents, Growth Motivation, Think Feel Act to Fluid Communication, Variable Decision-Making, Switchable-Fluid Defense, Variable Pacing, and Fulfillment-Presence World View.
Laureli is at her core a Connectress – connecting knowledge into a useful map, organizations with ways to win their games, people with their purpose and genius, complementary teammates and partners to each other, and people into deeper connection with themselves, their intuition and with others in community. Whatever the context, Laureli brings resources and presence, now.
Laureli knows that everyone has a life purpose to discover, unique gifts to express, and an eager community ready to collaborate and receive.
Laureli is queer, non-binary (she/they/shey) and neurodivergent. ThriveWise LLC and DBAs ThriveTypes, Intuitive Eye Reading and MeWe Fairs are an LGBT/NGLCC certified organization.
About Laureli & Her Sessions/Events
- “I got clarity on all my inner challenges thanks to a one hour phone call with you! I knew the steps to take as a result.” – Community Leader
- “Since you made changes [to my online dating profile], I’ve had many women look at my profile – while I was going to cancel, I’ve decided to renew – I’m actually enjoying the process now!” – Single Senior
- “Your competence is extraordinary. I’ve probably had ~25 ‘therapists’ in my life – the best one was more of a coach, like you, and you’re at that level or even above in terms of your competency and skill that you bring, so this is a very supportive relationship for me.” – Trauma Survivor
- “I love how you raise the vibration. It’s a pleasure to work with you.” – Board Member
- “Thank you so much for co-creating a really helpful session yesterday–I’ve just had one of the most wonderful-feeling, healthful, relaxed, creative days I’ve ever had in my life, quite literally.” – Coach, Artist & Intuitive
- “After my first meeting with you, I felt truly happy for the first time in decades.” – Entrepreneur
- “The woman is moving out TODAY. To a perfect place. [And] I totally used what you helped me find: a firm calm NO.” – Landlord
- “I’ve never come in contact with anyone else [with whom] in such a brief meeting, I felt such a deep connection and understanding.” – Empath
- “I appreciate the power of your presence and the insightful quality of your questions.” – CEO
- “Laureli is our recruiter and has hired many people for us so far this year. She is the best recruiter I have ever worked with. Part of what makes her so good is her personality assessment ThriveTypes.” – CEO
- “I feel so calm when I talk to you – I don’t want to get off the phone!” – Entrepreneur
- “In a single night you helped me understand my mom better than anyone else ever has.” – Bestselling Author and Mental Health Professional
- “Laureli is brilliant. She is generous, thoughtful, and articulate.” – Business Owner
- “In our two sessions, you have helped me immensely!” – Employee
- “Everybody needs a Laureli!” – Therapist/Coach
- “I feel an unusual sharpness, vitality, clarity and confidence from you. You seem whole-brained.” – Life Explorer
- “Your help has been invaluable. In a very short time, I have found tremendous improvement in my thinking. I feel good a lot of the time. And when I think/feel bad, I talk to myself differently about it, and have actually harnessed the bad feeling in ways I didn’t know was possible. I am very grateful.” – Entrepreneur
- “Wow! Thank you! You are brilliant! I feel a million times better about my meeting.” – Entrepreneur
- “It is so much fun to work with you! You get it.” – Entrepreneur
- “I’m so grateful and impressed with how easily you get right to the core of things.” – Business Owner
- “This IS your genius!” – Executive
- “You take really speculative ideas and see potential – immediacy of action, no delay.” – CEO
- “You got right to the heart of what was happening between us and somehow dived under a whole lot of stories I had going on – partly through giving me insights and more than anything, by playing trickster so every time I braced for a ‘scolding’ or ‘suggestion,’ instead you gave me delight and huge invitations to love myself as I am. The result is you bypassed my rebel and helped me bypass her too. I experience your willingness to love life as a form of magic.” – Entrepreneur, Master Coach
- “You rock. You totally cracked me up, and I’ve been luxuriating in your words ever since.” – Artist, Creativity Coach
- “I don’t think there’s a better person [for this] on the planet.” – Consciousness Entrepreneur
- “You are a wealth of positive energy and contagious thriving!!!!” – Educational Kinesiologist, Entrepreneur
- “If you are looking for a new job or are thinking about what you might want to do in the future, I cannot recommend Laureli enough. She is very insightful and what she had to tell me was very helpful” – Scientist, Artist
- “I am in awe of the vastness of your creative energy, your sweet and powerful essence, and the impact of your expression in the world.” – Executive Coach
- “Laureli, you are such a great source of life-giving resources! Thanks so much for sharing them so generously.” – Coach
- “You are f-ing awesome.” – Musician
- “Your insight last week was GENIUS. So useful and I so appreciate it. I caught all kinds of things that are going on that I was not as conscious of as I want to be.” – President
- “You have changed my life so much in such a short time.” – Bestselling Author, Speaker and Coach
- “I have found you to provide great value on a variety of fronts.” – President
- “Nourishing and clear.” – Big Leap Coach
- “Oh my gosh. Just what the doctor ordered. I feel very much appreciation.” – Master Coach
- “[In my sessions with you] there is always something profound.” – Artist
- “Who you are and the work you are doing is such a tremendous gift to the community!” – Dancer & Community Leader
- “Laureli, so appreciating you for your mastery and genius in connecting people, ideas and contexts. Magic!” – Master Coach & Entrepreneur
- “Laureli is amazing amazing amazing amazing – smartest person I’ve ever met!!! She and ThriveTypes are fantastic.” – Director
- “You have filled this town with tons of joy, connection, and vibrancy. You’ve given people a platform to share their gifts…have fun, be oneself, make new friends and contacts, imagine new community. Thanks for changing this…from…a wallflower to the life of the party, so we could know more what community smiles are about. A million thank yous!” – Author, Speaker, Intuitive
- “I feel happy about the many ways I receive support through your coaching me. I appreciate your sharing your presence, your wisdom, and your resources so generously.” – Client
- “You ask good questions.” – VP
- “What you have given me is huge. I am so thankful. The way you have defined everything [that I have been experiencing and what I need to do] is so satisfying. You have inspired me. This is so huge. You have great gifts. Your intuition kicks ass. You have developed a very harmonious and solid system.” – Energy Healer
About ThriveTypes
- “More value in 30 minutes than 5 years of therapy!” – Pair of Business & Romantic Partners
- “Empowering insights!” – Regional VP
- “Like Myers-Briggs on steroids.” – Principal Engineer
- “The information you are sharing is so rich!” – Transformation Coach
- “Wow, you just blew me away! Now that was an attention grabber.” – Ivy League College Student
- “I really like how you can verbalize these traits into something that can be more easily discussed!” – General Manager
- “Wow, this is awesome!” – CEO
- “You are soooooo genius at this! My first memory of meeting…you looking into my eyes and expressing my essence so accurately. I also felt the power of your energy as you ‘read’ me. So happy this is available as a service.” – Coach
- “Your assessment, as always, was very accurate!” – Executive Coach
- “Your insights are so spot on. We are so impressed with what you are able to see.” – Business & Romantic Partners
- “In our two couples sessions on ThriveTypes, you were fully present and overflowing with genius. Your tosses and insights have already proven themselves to be super duper of service. My partner refused to hero me last night, for example, and it accelerated my shifting humongously – creating more time for fun and connection. In our sessions, I felt seen and celebrated – both for myself – and also seen and celebrated in my relationship. This is an area of great creativity for you – an incredible gift. Thank you!” – Romantic Partners, Coaches
- “Knowing my ThriveTypes has enabled me to go through life in a lighter, more flexible and more graceful way. I experience this especially at work, where I can easily and creatively move around and through problems and issues where others get upset, stuck and obsessed. I’m able to break things apart into manageable pieces. I feel more spacious. I can see more opportunities and choices.” – Engineer
- “WOW, extremely helpful reading. Thank you!!!” – Grandmother, about Eye Reading on grandchild
- “[I] read about the traits, and they are spot-on! The good and the bad parts of them.” – Request for a Free Glimpse
- “ThriveTypes is really helping me. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.” – Technology Consultant
- “A heartfelt THANK YOU for your coaching and insight into my ThriveTypes. With this awareness, I am now going with the flow, not against it. Self expression and joy all around!” – Real Estate Agent
- “Honestly, it felt like you affirmed what I was feeling but did not really understand how to express – and I would even go so far as to say that I had never felt ‘seen’ so clearly and immediately. It also triggered a massive outpouring of creativity and tons of reflection on where I am putting my energy and effort.” – Clinical Psychologist
- “I’ve done therapy a bunch of different times…I’ve done coaching with different people, both business and life coaching, and it is not until you and I looked at ThriveTypes that it started coming together for me. I’m finally realizing who I am. This is pretty powerful.” – President and General Manager
- “I was impressed when I first met you – it seemed as if you almost knew me better than I knew myself.” – Employee
- “The ThriveTypes are so valuable to me.” – Certified Coach for Professionals
- “Such new information! So direct and quick. So important and relevant. I had no idea I was….” – Professional Trainer and Group Facilitator
- “[You] uncannily analyzed me on our first meeting; there apparently is a true science behind your methods.” – Psychic Reader
- “Your skills are amazing, and we were very impressed.” – Salesperson, Entrepreneur
- “Your reading for me was life changing!” – Intuitive Practitioner
- “Laureli was so interesting and I was amazed at the insights she had about me and each of us! Her insights were spot on!” – Audience Member
- “It was pretty fascinating to see the difference between how we perceive ourselves (masks) v. how others see us and what our inner child really is.” – Student
- “Light years beyond talk therapy!” – Trainer
- “Very validating! You gave me blindspots to watch out for and ideas for when I’m stuck.” – Entrepreneur
- “Right on the money!” – Metaphysical Fair Customer
About Hire4Genius
- “You are actually making hiring fun! We are learning lots and solving the puzzle.” – CEO
- “Wow! I am a total believer.” – Executive Recruiter
- “Our new manager is working out great!!” – Business Partners
- “This is SO helpful – especially the questions to ask.” – CEO
- “I offered her a job on the spot!” – VP of Development
- “Laureli has made great suggestions for how to interview people, letting me know what personality traits they have and whether they’d be a good match for me. I’m impressed by how much she sees!” – Business Owner
- “Thanks for the information! Not only was it helpful with the hire, but I believe it will be even more valuable in helping me successfully lead and manage my new GM.” – Regional VP
- “Our new employee is fabulous. I can’t thank you enough!” – VP of Development
- “I love collaborating with you on hiring projects. Your genius is invaluable!” – CEO
- “I wouldn’t hire anyone without you!” – Executive Director
- “Laureli hooked us up with a very specialized marketing consultant – a match extraordinaire. Great work, Laureli!” – Business Partners
- “Our [hiring] team values your genius!” – CEO
- “The candidate you found for me is one of the best people I’ve ever worked with, and I’m blessed to have such a dedicated person on my team.” – General Manager
- “This is amazing. Such a huge help. You’re like a Jedi master at this.” – Community and Training Manager
About Matchmaking
- “I appreciate your genius coaching / matchmaking – you / your genius) ROCKS!” – Yogini and Transformation Coach
- “Now I’m finally dating like me, and I feel more confident!” – Consultant, Entrepreneur
- “You are so freaking good at this.” – Entrepreneur, Musician
- “I want to express my deepest gratitude for the wonderful coaching session you gave my partner on dating and relationships. Your divine counseling was instrumental in her choosing me in her search for a soulmate. I have never felt so met and in so many ways in my entire life and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Soulmate
- “I credit your coaching for finding a good match that matches ME. He really sees me and appreciates me. It’s the first adult relationship of my life and I’m fully in.” – Leadership Consultant
- “I literally did everything you told me to do – and everything worked!” – Reunited Teenager in Love
- “I delight in what I have received from you, in your matchmaking, your coaching. I just love working with you; it is such a delight!” – Big Leap Coach & LAT Grad
- “We are an incredible match…every day finding more similarities to marvel at. You are absolutely right – the best partner is one who is very much like you! It feels so comfortable to be able to give love in the way that it comes most naturally and have the other perceive it as their own perfect way of being loved.” – Medical Office Manager
- “I’m in the midst of falling in love, and I’m feeling so so grateful for your wisdom along the way. The person I’m clicking with clearly has [my Talents], and it’s so much fun!” – NVC Facilitator
- “I’m just amazed with our level of connection. You were spot on!” – CNA (and 3 month Engineer partner)
- “Following your epic advice on how to engage, I received this happy reply: ‘Yours is the best first message I have ever received from Bumble!'” – Single (but not for long) Leadership Coach
- “Another great match made in Heaven – thank you so much for your guidance!” – Traveling Entrepreneur
- “I already implemented the skills you showed me the other night into my searching on Bumble and I had an incredible first date last night! He might not be the exact types I am but there was a lot more resonance than usual. And some pretty weird synchronistic compatibilities.” – Therapist
About ThriveWise Classes, Workshops & Events
- “I’ve never fit in anywhere, and I fit in here!” – Repeat Event Participant
- “Thank you for sharing so much, what a wonderful group. I learned a lot!” – Student
- “Great info in such a short time. Thank you for your insight and expertise.” – Student
- “Fun time playing and some absolutely fascinating information was shared!” – Engineer, Intuitive
- “I give you a BIG shout out of appreciation for the skillful container you have created!” – Coach
- “The love and genuineness exudes from this place.” – Genius Party Attendee
- “This rocked the house! Laureli has worked side by side with Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. She is a super genius and she had us acting out and embodying different parts of hero-victim-villain with hilarious and deeply educational results. We also got some great strategies for win-win with others that are useful for a lifetime. Go see her teach!” – Master Coach
- “Thanks to your Feelings in the Body workshop, I’m doing DO much better at recognizing and naming what I’m feeling in real time.” – Office Manager
- “That was an amazing class on ThriveTypes. The Talents you said I have are uncannily accurate. And I had a lot of fun.” – Student
- [Your online classes are] “almost like being right there with you! You’re a good, peaceful teacher.” – Writer & Coach
- “It was fun to explore a new way…you are a skilled teacher!” – Executive Director
- “Your teaching is much ‘deeper’ than what it appears on the surface.” – Learn to Read Eyes Student
- “I found value and things that resonated with me in the answers to every question. It’s like working on a whole lot of my own issues, but objectively, through the experience of other similar people.” – Audience Readings Attendee
- “You all bring so much joy and love.” – Audience Readings Attendee
- “I look forward to these events so much. The panelists are wonderfully skilled, and the setting has consistently been warm, welcoming and supportive.” – Audience Readings Attendee
- “What a wonderful experience it was indeed…I felt so safe to be vulnerable, connected and belong. I am ready for my next step now and have all my tools in hand.” – 33+ Tools for Getting Unstuck Attendee
About Games & Thriveboards
- “My Game is so great! This coaching has been so helpful. It is really helping me stay on track and connected given I work so far away from the rest of the team.” – New Manager
- “Laureli really is an amazing stand for coherence. Even with all the complex dynamics of things happening operationally, and between like 35 people, she somehow manages to have a clarity of mind that shines the light on ways forward in the darkness of the unknown! So much love!” – Startup Team Member
Laureli as a Coach